"Fearing tainted meat, China's women's volleyball team has stuck
to a strict vegetarian diet for the last three weeks, which the team's coach is now blaming for his athletes' abysmal performance..." More here...
American Food Resistance. Eat real food.
Resist industrial food. No synthetic vitamins.
No small print.
A liter of cola a day, for 6 months wrecks liver.
Hot off the press here.
The company argues it has scientific evidence that the mouse was not in the can when the case was sealed in August 2008 and that a veterinary pathologist examined the mouse, finding that it could not have been in the can that long because its body would have disintegrated due to the acid in the soda.More here. Geez. You drink Mountain Dew?
Pepsi argues that for the mouse to have been in the Mountain Dew that long, the body would have transformed into a "'jelly-like' substance."