Sunday, September 14, 2008

Your ER personalized food plan?

First 10 people in each group only.

Does one of these describe you?

  • Low energy, exhausted adrenals, cold hands or feet
  • Digestive or elimination troubles
  • Depressed, mood swings, brain fog
  • Pre-pregnant, pregnant and nursing moms
We all know that pills are not enough... They might be a catalyst, and provide nutrient reserves. And that's a good thing. But a daily real food plan you can stick to, will really take your body to the next level.
(In the first week of the Sep ER Fat Burn this week, one gal dropped 10 lbs - just living on her new ER food plan. Yes, likely mostly water and fat, but who wants to keep that on when they don't have to?)
Anyway, here's a way to get your own daily personalized ER food plan, designed by Dr. Heidi. Depending on the group you're in above, it's directed at enabling your body to better deal with your situation. And no, it's not $595 or $495 like one of the the full-on ER programs

We've persuaded her to offer a personalized food plan seminar to the first 10 folks in each category, above. For about 1/3 of ER ($495-$595) and 1/3 off her regular initial consultation ($225).
The initial consultation, which you get here, includes your individual biochemical and metabolic profiles.
Here's the one-time deal for your ER personalized food plan:
ER personalized food plan option 1: $149.

ER personalized food plan option 2: Comes free when you buy a four pack or 10-pack of Pops - the whole food daily Dr. Heidi designed, and which Whole Food Nation markets. (Don't use those links to order this special. See below.)

These are designed to give you the nutrient reserves your body needs to process the industrial and junk foods that might have been put into it. A 4-pack is normally a 4 month supply, a 10-pack, 10 months. (If you take extra because you're over 200lbs, or are a super athlete, they'll go faster.)

(For this special ER Food Plan program, order through the temporary links below only!)

Anyway, there will be a special call for each group (about 45-60 minutes) and a follow-up PDF (mini-ebook) with the daily ER food plan customized to you, depending on the little group you're in. (Yes, you can be in more than one group.)

Of course every suggestion is real food-based.

The initial private group call for the ER Personalized Food Plan is scheduled for Sept 27. Mini-group calls are planned for Oct 2, Oct 4 and Oct 5. You'll get an invite soon after you sign up.
First 10 people in each group only!


1. Dr. Heidi's Extreme Regime Personalized Naked Food Plan: $149

Free with a catch: It's free with any of these regular Pops orders.

2. Dr. Heidi's Personalized Extreme Regime Food Plan w/10 Pops: $310 ($31/bx of Pops)

3. Dr. Heidi's Personalized Extreme Regime Food Plan w/4 Pops ($39/bx, no standing order): $159.80

4. Dr. Heidi's Personalized Extreme Regime Food Plan w/4 Pops ($37/bx) (Subscription):

NOTE: On the order page, underneath any of these options, you can select up to three groups at no extra charge.
WARNING: If you click on different links, the order page ADDS each option. To avoid heart flutters, click CLEAR CART (bottom right of the order page) and pick the option you really want. That's what it will charge you for.
First 10 only in each category. If you ever wanted a taste of ER with a personal touch from Dr. Heidi, (or check this out) here's your chance.

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